How can life affect long term global climate? Can tropical montane systems act as a global thermostat? Could large animal extinctions have impacted global climate 10,000 years ago? Our work attempts to answer such questions.
Popular press on our paleoclimatology work
Science: Did Mammoth Extinction Warm Earth?
The Economist: A mammoth effect
Planet Earth Online Mountain trees could help stabilize climate over millions of years.
The Daily Mail Online Tree roots act as 'Earth's thermostat'
Key papers
Doughty, C.E., Taylor, L.L., Girardin, C.A.J., Malhi, Y. and Beerling, D. (2014) Montane forest root growth and soil organic layer depth may have stabilized Cenozoic global change. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(3): 983-990. PDF
Doughty, C.E., Wolf, A. and Field, C.B. (2010) Biophysical feedbacks between the Pleistocene megafauna extinction and climate: The first human-induced global warming? Geophysical Research Letters, 37(15). PDF
Doughty, C.E. (2010) The development of agriculture in the Americas: an ecological perspective. Ecosphere, 1(6). PDF
Doughty, C.E., Wolf, A. and Malhi, Y. (2013) The impact of large animal extinctions on nutrient fluxes in early river valley civilizations. Ecosphere, 4(12). PDF